Friday 23 March 2012

5 Things to Watch Out for When You Decide to Forgive a Cheating Man

Hye Readers,

1. ONCE A CHEATER, ALWAYS A CHEATER. We've all heard the old adage - once a cheater, always a cheater. But is that always true? After all, we don't know all the guys out there who cheated once and never again. Skeptical? You should be. If a guy will cheat on you once what will prevent him from doing it again? Could it be the thought of losing you? Or has he learned his lesson? Those are all of things he probably told you in an attempt to get you back. DDHG is not advocating one way or another, but what we are saying is keep your eyes and ears open because you don't want your heart broken all over again.

2. DON'T LOOK NOW. He just cheated on you and it's natural that you don't trust him. He's supposed to be earning your trust back. He's probably told you that the woman he cheated with is no longer in his life. But you want proof, so you decide to look through his stuff to make sure. But, should you? If you've given him a second chance and he says he's not seeing his mistress anymore, then you should give me a chance to prove it. On the other hand, if you're suspicious, you should definitely take a look around and see what you find. You can never be too careful these days and you don't waste more time with a guy who cheated on you once. 

3. BREAKING IT DOWN. He hurt you when he cheated, so naturally, you want him to hear about what a lowlife he is at every possible moment, at least for a little while. But is that the right thing to do? If you've taken him back, it technically means that all if forgiven, so you shouldn't really give him hell about it. Whenever you feel the urge to bring up the sore subject of his infidelity, call your BFF and rant to her instead. Since you've given him a second chance, it means you want the relationship to last, right? Fighting all the time about what he did wrong isn't going to make that happen. 

4. WHAT HAPPENED? Speaking of things happening, try to resist the urge to grill him about the gory details of his infidelity. You don't need to know how many times he slept with the girl he cheated on you with. You don't need to know where and when he took her to dinner. What you need to know is what you as a couple are going to do to repair your relationship. Isn't that why you decided to give it another try?

5. WHO'S BETTER? Resist the urge to ask him to compare you and his mistress. Don't ask him who was better in bed, or a better cook or anything. In fact, stop bringing the mistress up. Making your guy relive his infidelity by thinking about her isn't going to help you guys repair what's broken in yourrelationship. Good luck!

Source: Click Here

I'm just sharing.. & Credit goes to Original Author..
Have a GOOD day:-)

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