Tuesday, 26 November 2013

10 Etiquette Rules For Meeting.

Hello There.

The last time i post something here is about three weeks ago. I been busy with other this and of course busy with my primary blog. Today i would like to give a reminder to myself and i think it might be useful to you. Meeting is something that most of the people do. whether you in a big or small cooperation, whether its a corporate or closing a deal at mamak stalls, there always an etiquette at the meeting.

My job scope right now require me to attends meeting. Mostly the meeting is about listening to other companies presentation. So far i've seen so many people with different character in a meeting. So mow im gonna share with you the etiquette rules for meeting.

1) be on  time
Make sure you be on time and prepare for the meeting.  You dont want to waste everyone else's time by not being punctual. If you need to present something, make sure the presentation meterial is prepared before the meeting start.

2) make introduction
If Everyone doesn't know one another in a meeting room, you need to to make introduction.You should start this with the highest rank first.

3) have a strong agenda.
This is a part of being prepared, but you should have a good, strong agenda so that you can stay on the track. If you do get off track, you should have a strong facilitator to get you back on the track.

4) sit appropriately
If its a dit down meeting, you need to adjust you chair so that you're equal to everyone else on the table. Some people dont adjust their chair and end up being the little kid on a meeting.

5) Speak Up
When people speak in a meeting they need to speak loudly enough so that everyone can hears what they are saying.many people especially women do not speak loud enough and speaking softly is a subtle non verbal action that can affect your professionalism.

6) Understand the unwritten speaking rule.
Its not polite to interupt others, but in some meeting, you have to interrupt at some point or you wont be heard.Understand the rules so that you can have a productive meeting.

7) Do not have your phone out.
A lot of people like to keep their phone on a table during a meeting. Please dont do this because even when you are not looking at your phoneit can be distracting to others when its start lighting up or make noise. Its best if you keep you phone inside your pocket. Some say textiong during a meeting is very rude.

8) You can drink coffee, but you need permission for anything else.
If you're going to eat, it needs to be OK with the entire group. "You can make noise or give off smells" that are disruptive, so it needs to be OK with everyone especially the chairperson. From my experience this happen a lot if you have a meeting with government agencies coz they love to have something to eat while meeting.

9. Clean up after yourself.
This is especially true if you were drinking or eating during the meeting. You need to clean up after yourself and leave things the way you found them, Otherwise, it's not professional.

10. Don't save all your questions for the end.
Ask your questions at the appropriate time. Do not be the person who starts "asking questions and adding stuff that doesn't need to be added" when everyone's getting ready to go. 

So that is the 10 etiquette rules for meeting. this was prepared by Babra Patcher , a career coach and a author of  "The Essential of Business Etiquette" and i adjust some point so that it can related to every levels of meetings.

So, thats all tips that i can share with you guys for now.Next time maybe i make a tips on how to deliver a good presentation. I've seen a very good presentation normally from a good corporation and some that not to say a bad presentation kindda boring a bit.hehehe


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